Mullu Thenkuyal


Ingredients : Rice powder – 1 glass, Pottukadalai powder- ½ glass, Butter /sunflower Dalda -2 tblsp, Cumin Seeds, Salt – 1 tsp, Oil for frying.

Method : Mix rice powder, Pottukadalai powder , cumin seeds and salt. 
Add the Butter which is kept in the room temperature OR if using Dalda then - Heat the sunflower dalda and add to the mixture .

Mix well to crumbs. Now add water and make a soft Dough . Put the dough in the Mullu Thenghuzal sieve . 

Keep oil for frying. Now fry in oil the mullu thenkuyal. Keep the flame in Medium heat. Remove when light Golden brown. Crispy Mullu thenghuzal is ready. Note : If needed chilli pd can also be added.
