Nei Appam

Recipe for Nei Appam
Posted by Banumathy Kannan on 08/01/2016

Ingredients: Rice 1 cup, Jaggery powdered 1 cup, cardamom powdered with 6 seeds, Maida 2 table spoon, Banana fruit 2 nos. , chee and vanaspathi mixed 1 cup. 

Preparation: Soak rice in water for 1 hour. grind with jaggery, cardamom powder, banana and Maida with little water. the batter should be consistent as dosa use Appakkaar , the vessel designed for this purpose and heat the ghee, vanaspathi. now when the mixture is heated, keep it in a low flame and pour the mixture batter , with a table spoon and fry it in the ghee until it turns to honey colour. Now Ghee Appam is ready to offer it to GOD during festivals