Recipe for Nei Appam
Posted by Banumathy Kannan on 08/01/2016
Ingredients: Rice 1 cup, Jaggery powdered 1 cup, cardamom powdered with 6 seeds, Maida 2 table spoon, Banana fruit 2 nos. , chee and vanaspathi mixed 1 cup.
Preparation: Soak rice in water for 1 hour. grind with jaggery, cardamom powder, banana and Maida with little water. the batter should be consistent as dosa use Appakkaar , the vessel designed for this purpose and heat the ghee, vanaspathi. now when the mixture is heated, keep it in a low flame and pour the mixture batter , with a table spoon and fry it in the ghee until it turns to honey colour. Now Ghee Appam is ready to offer it to GOD during festivals
Posted by Banumathy Kannan on 08/01/2016
Ingredients: Rice 1 cup, Jaggery powdered 1 cup, cardamom powdered with 6 seeds, Maida 2 table spoon, Banana fruit 2 nos. , chee and vanaspathi mixed 1 cup.
Preparation: Soak rice in water for 1 hour. grind with jaggery, cardamom powder, banana and Maida with little water. the batter should be consistent as dosa use Appakkaar , the vessel designed for this purpose and heat the ghee, vanaspathi. now when the mixture is heated, keep it in a low flame and pour the mixture batter , with a table spoon and fry it in the ghee until it turns to honey colour. Now Ghee Appam is ready to offer it to GOD during festivals