Cooking Tips-4

Dear members, as winter season is very fast approaching, let us try to follow these simple steps and avoid from the malefic impact of the seasonal effect...
1. For simple fever during winter season try to have Nila-Vembu kashayam... (Recipe will be posted later)
2. Try to avoid having excess sweet during winter season..
3. Excess intake of Milk, Curd, Butter, Ghee should be avoided, as it will sediments over the internal parts of the body.
4. Excess Kaaram during this winter season makes your body function normal. Tasty foods with spices is good for health during this season.
5. Make it a practise during this season to have milk added with Panakarkandu, turmeric powder and pinch of pepper before to bed.
6. Avoid vegetables like Pumpkin, Surakkai, Pudalangai, peerkangai, cucumber (with are watery in nature) excess, which makes our body over cool, thereby leading to caugh/cold/sinus, etc..
7. Avoid oily foods during winter season, as we are all fond of Bajji / Bonda etc during this chillness... If you want to have hot food, boil sambar, idli, Upma, Maavu-urundai, toasted bread, etc...
All the above makes you normal health and will be away from diseases during this chill period
